New funding needed to make Great British Insulation Scheme truly great
The Government has today made a series of announcements outlining its plans to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and setting out steps to strengthen the UK’s long-term energy security and independence.
The announcements include pledges of continued support for heat networks and energy efficiency deployment, two of the ADE’s workstreams.
Energy Efficiency
The ADE’s Director of Policy and Research, Caroline Bragg, said:“The Great British Insulation Scheme marks an important step forward, but to be truly great, the ADE would have liked to have seen new money committed - the £1 billion it includes has already been pledged. Despite this, the scheme will play a critical role in driving much-needed energy efficiency investment up until March 2026, and is a long overdue step towards reducing bills, delivering net zero and boosting energy security. It will support around 300,000 of the UK's least energy-efficient homes, saving each household as much as £400 each year.
“The Government's commitment to improving owner-occupied homes, privately rented homes and through lenders, as well as reducing demand from large businesses and greening industrial processes through the Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF), demonstrates progress, but much more action on energy efficiency is urgently needed. While today’s announcements mark a clear step in the right direction, keeping the UK's homes warm, safe and comfortable will require bolder actions and more dedicated funding."
Heat Networks
Kieran Sinclair, Heat Network Policy Manager at the ADE, said:"Heat networks are the only internationally proven route to decarbonising heat at scale, and today's announcement of continued capital support until 2028, including £220 million for the Heat Network Transformation Programme, takes us one step closer towards creating a sustainable, low-carbon future for our communities.
"It is clear that zero carbon heat networks will have to become the mainstream way of heating buildings in the near future, and the ADE is glad to see Government recognise the importance of taking action now, not later, to accelerate their adoption. Combined with the heat network zoning powers and regulation that will put into law this year, this funding will help heat networks to rapidly scale up across the country and provide cheap, green heat to homes and businesses."
The ADE is available for comment/interview to expand on the above areas or to discuss other areas of the ‘Green Day’ announcements. Please email to get in touch.