The report outlines some of the programmes delivered on behalf of the Scottish Government, as well as the impact they have. This includes energy efficiency programmes for owner occupiers, tenants, small private landlords and SMEs, as well as heat networks.
Here are some of the headline stats from the latest report:
Home Energy Scotland
Thelifetime carbon saved by customers using the network in 2022-23 is estimated to be more than 716,500 tonnes CO2.
In 2022-23, after receiving advice from a HES adviser,42% of customers installed at least one energy efficiency, low carbon heat or renewable energy improvement, with 42% of customers planning to in the next 12 months.
Of the improvements installed in 2022-23, the top two attributed to Home Energy Scotland advice were air source heat pumps (81%) and solar PV (74%).
Between 2023-24, the specialist advice service for private landlords provided advice to 697 customers, covering 917 privately rented properties.
Business Energy Scotland
In 2022-23, after receiving advice,more than 60% of businesses installed one of the recommended measures in full, in part, or had taken a similar action.
The total lifetime savings achieved by businesses that can be directly attributed to Business Energy Scotland are just under 35,000tCO2e for actioned measures, equating to a lifetime cost saving of £45.7m a year.
Financial support
The Home Energy Scotland Grant and Loan Scheme is highly influential and cost-effective in encouraging households to install renewables systems, with 91% of funded actions partly attributed to the scheme and 56% wouldn’t have happened without it.
From inception to 31 March 2023, theSME Loan Scheme has paid out almost £50m in financial support for loans and cashback, funding more than 2,000 projects.
Support from Business Energy Scotland and the SME Loan Scheme was a large influence on businesses’ decision to install measures in 2022-23, with more than 45% stating that they wouldn’t have installed the improvement without funding and more than 25% stating that the funding allowed them to install the measure(s) sooner.