BEIS publish results of two research projects related to energy efficiency
What are the barriers to retrofit in social housing? is a study that interviewed 40 social landlords and 8 retrofit suppliers about undertaking retrofits to social housing.The research covers five main questions: What are the barriers to procuring retrofit work in social housing? How do social landlords approach procurement? What would drive more thermal upgrades (heating and insultation)? Are social landlords worried about moisture and condensation issues? What impact has the Hackitt Review had?The full report can be found here. Determining the costs of insulating non-standard cavity walls and lofts is a research project carried out by the Energy Saving Trust. The project undertook market analysis of the likely costs to insulate the approximately 3.3m homes in the UK with non-standard cavity walls and lofts.The report estimates that the likely cost of insulating non-standard cavity walls and lofts is £470-£3,300 per home.The full report can be read here.