Commissioned in 1965, the existing boiler house used coal fired boilers in a self contained building and required continuous 24 hour manning. The Trust identified the need to replace the plant with a gas fired solution which would remove the burden of coal handling on site and would improve environmental emissions and reduce costs. A Private Finance Initiative (PFI) investment of £1.4million allowed a complete refurbishment of the existing boilerhouse. The agreement also included the subsequent operation and maintenance of the new plant and provides secure and stable energy supplies that are amore cost effective and reliable energy solution for the hospital.
To provide heating, hot water and electricity to Lincoln County Hospital the existing coal fired boilers have been replaced by a modern gas fired 1.35MegaWatt combined heat and power unit and three 8te/hr (dual fuel) steam boilers. One boiler being of composite design and accepting the waste heat from the CHP engine.