Generation of electricity and heat is derived from four 342kWe CHPs that provide the site electricity with the electricity surplus exported to the grid under a ROC. Heat from the CHPs feed digesters to run a biogas generation process and optimize the biogas generation. To provide the necessary biogas fuel Cannington also invested in developing a bio gas digester/process system.
Using the food waste to generate biogas means that landfill is avoided which reduces potential methane damage to the atmosphere. By utilising the waste on-site road haulage to remove the waste is avoided which cuts emissions from multiple vehicle movements, reduces congestion and potential danger to pedestrians and also limits vehicle noise due to heavy haulage.
Cannington save costs associated with using fossil fuels. The biogas is a carbon neutral fuel which has renewable benefits for Cannington Cold Stores, boosting their environmental performance, lowering the carbon footprint and enhancing their corporate responsibility criteria in line with their policy.
The CHP run 24 hours a day and were installed, and are operated and maintained, using Cogenco’s Integrated Management System which provides remote monitoring and control on a 7 days a week, 365 days a year basis. The Cogenco team were closely involved with suppliers and the Electricity Board to ensure electrical connection of the CHP went smoothly.