Woking Borough Council

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Thameswey Group of Companies specialise in low carbon energy generation, consultancy and support services, affordable housing, sustainable house building and property development. Thameswey provides a vertically integrated range of energy-related services, from design and consultancy through to operation, maintenance, customer services, metering and billing.

The Thameswey Group is structured as a number of wholly-owned individual companies, joint venture companies and subsidiaries. Since its formation in 1999, the group has grown through acquisitions and start-ups and diversified to provide a wide range of energy, environmental and affordable housing enterprises.  All profits from the operations of the Thameswey Group are utilised for the furtherance of energy efficiency and sustainable investment within the Borough.

The Thameswey Group was founded to develop and operate sustainable energy supplies and this continues to be one of our core business activities. Our low carbon energy networks have grown to include district heating and cooling alongside private wire electricity generated by our combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Woking and Milton Keynes, and renewable solar power generated by our photovoltaic (PV) installations. Through our companies Thameswey Energy, Thameswey Central Milton Keynes and Thameswey Solar, we have over 12 years experience in both developing and managing low carbon decentralised energy projects. Our low carbon energy installations include:

  • Nearly 10 MW of gas fired CHP and trigeneration
  • District heating and cooling
  • 2MW of solar PV installations

As part of its energy efficiency programme the Council implemented its first CHP system in 1992 and the UK’s first small scale CHP/heat fired absorption chiller system in 1994 for which the Council won the CHPA 1996 CHP in Buildings Award, followed by a series of private wire residential CHP systems (the first and still the only systems of their type in the UK). What marks these systems out from any other CHP system in the UK is the direct sale of cogenerated heat and green electricity to local customers at a lower price than for brown energy.

Thameswey generates and supplies low carbon and renewable energy to a wide range of public and private sector customers in Woking and Milton Keynes (see Interactive Map).  Our joint venture enterprises have added solar energy, land and property development to the Thameswey portfolio.  In addition, our affordable housing company (Thameswey Housing) provides nearly 250 homes to the intermediate, transitional and market rental sectors.

We operate fully integrated energy services companies (ESCos) and have the expertise and resources to design, build and operate community energy networks, from initial feasibility assessments through to metering, billing and customer services.Thameswey was established by Woking Borough Council, through cross party collaboration and agreements, to assist the Council in furthering its objectives across its Climate Change Strategy, Community and Housing strategies. Our customers include:

  • Network Rail
  • Sainsburys
  • Holiday Inn
  • Woking Borough Council 
  • In addition we supply over 1,250 domestic customers with electricity and heat from our energy stations.

Thameswey has successfully developed solutions to the technical, political and managerial issues inherent in the implementation of long term energy projects. Thameswey, through its energy and environmental activities, has been successful in progressing initiatives that have enabled the Council to achieve widespread recognition for its work on Climate Change and sustainable energy.

Contact details

2nd floor, Gloucester Chambers

Jubilee Square

Woking Surrey GU21 6GA

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