Bloomsbury Heat and Power Consortium

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The Bloomsbury Heat and Power scheme is a large PFI operated CHP district heating scheme that serves a consortium of Colleges in the Bloomsbury Precinct.

The consortium, formed in 1994, consists of the SOAS University of London, Birkbeck College, UCL Institute of Education, University College London and the University of London.

The network is supplied by two gas-fired CHP engines, two gas-fired boilers, back up oil-fired boilers and steam generators. The majority of the plant is located in the SOAS boiler house which dates back to the 1970s. Some of the buildings solely use heat, while others use both heat and electricity. The scheme is considered an integral part of reducing carbon emissions for the universities with plans to expand the network and consider the use of absorption chilling in the future. 

Contact details

Estates and Facilities, School of Oriental and African Studies

Thornhaugh Street

London WC1H OXG

United Kingdom

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