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Technologies we support


We do not advocate for one decentralised energy technology over another, believing customer needs should drive the solution. We work to create a strong, dynamic, and sustainable environment for a range of technologies. Our commitment to fostering innovation and supporting diverse energy solutions is at the core of our approach. 

By adopting a technology-agnostic stance, we recognize that different communities and individuals have unique energy requirements. We aim to provide them with a comprehensive suite of options to choose from, empowering them to select the most suitable solution that aligns with their specific needs and circumstances. 

Our organization believes in the power of choice and the importance of customization. We understand that decentralized energy technologies encompass a wide spectrum of possibilities, including solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and biomass, among others. Each technology has its own strengths and considerations, and we strive to promote an inclusive environment that accommodates and supports all of these solutions. 

Industrial Decarbonisation

CHP generates electricity whilst also capturing usable heat that is produced in this process. This contrasts with conventional ways of generating electricity where vast amounts of heat is simply wasted. In today's coal and gas fired power stations, up to two thirds of the overall energy consumed is lost in this way, often seen as a cloud of steam rising from cooling towers.

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Heat Networks & Low Carbon Heat

Heat networks deliver cost effective, low carbon heat, in the form of hot water or steam, from the point of generation (usually an energy centre) to the end user through a network of insulated pipes. Networks vary in size and length, carrying heat just a few hundred metres between homes and flats, to several kilometres supplying entire communities and industrial areas.

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Crucial in supporting the UK's transition to lower-carbon generation. DSR is where energy users change their electricity consumption patterns in response to a signal or incentive from the network operator. The ability to tap into flexibility sources ensures power supply and demand are matched, that the grid is not overloaded and that supplies are at the correct voltage and frequency across the network.

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Buildings Decarbonisation

Buildings decarbonisation encompasses energy efficiency measures from insulation to low carbon heating and plays an important role in both ADE missions – Decarbonising British Heat and Empowering Energy Demand.  

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